Sunday, January 4, 2009

Reconnecting with old friends

Last Friday the girls and I spent the morning with Tammy Spann Dunavant and her girls. Tammy was my absolute best friend when we were little. We lived across the street from each other and spent almost every minute together when we were little. We bicycled all over Arrowhead. In high school we had many adventures together. A lot of them need to go without ever talking about again. It was great getting to see her. We lost touch with each other when I went to college and went away, but there is still that bond that was there when we were younger. I could talk to her about everything and know that she would always listen and not tell others. I really wish she lived closer so me and her and our girls could spend more time together.

1 comment:

The Dunavant Family said...

me too. Didn't realize how much I missed you! Can't wait to see you again.