Monday, June 27, 2011

Since School Has Been Out, We Have...

Life has been busy since we got out of school for the summer. Why is it that the most relaxing time of the year is so jam packed with activities? We began the summer with a pool party for Jack's baseball league.

Then we moved onto Vacation Bible School. I am so glad we have it early in the summer so that it is over and I don't have to think about it all summer.

We have also been playing lots of baseball, but that will be a post of its own.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011


Last night was the best Fayette County Board of Education meeting ever (well, other than the meeting when they hired me to begin with)! I was rehired which made me be tenured! I am so excited. I love Fayette County High School and had no idea what I would do if I didn't get rehired. The budget in Alabama is super crazy this year, especially with education so I was worried for the first time. Now I can enjoy summer and be relaxed for a return to school in August!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Dismals Canyon

Saturday Jack played in his final regular season basebal game. We lost, but don't you worry we have a summer full of baseball to play. After the game we went to Dismals Canyon to explore around. I cannot believe I lived in this area my entire life (well minus a few when Trey and I lived off exploring the country) and never went to this place. It was awesome and the kids loved it! We did the day and night tour. If you go you must do the night tour. The little worms that glow on the canyon walls are amazing. God's splendor is displayed in every way at this place. It is absolutely amazing.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Lordy, Lordy Look Who is 40

We celebrated Trey's 40th birthday yesterday. I had to work most of the day, but Trey and the kids spent the day going to the bakery and swimming. My mom baked Trey a cake that he enjoyed with our kids and Rhonda's kids around the pool at Mother's house.

We went to Columbus to Huck's Place for dinner. It was a neat place in downtown Columbus that also had great food. I think we will be going back again.

After dinner I used the great backdrops around Columbus to get some pictures for the kids.